Dear You and Me (letter: 12.31.18)
Dear You and Me,
You don't have to be okay all the time.
Don't say you're fine if you're not. There's nothing wrong with that.
Let them know what you're thinking.
It is tiring to be strong for others; to make it less difficult for them; to not become a burden.
You might have felt this too.
To be the reliable one, the considerate one, the one who listens and pays attention, the one who always helps;
you might be like this too.
You wonder, why can't others do the same to you?
But know what, there's something you can do.
Learn to say no when you don't feel like it.
Refuse, if you don't have the will and energy to do it. If you feel it's not right. Or if you feel you're doing it for the wrong reason.
Helping out doesn't have to feel like an obligation especially when you're the one who needs it most.
Ask for a timeout. A quiet time. A me-time.
Tell them you might not be able to reply right away, or answer calls.
Put off doing work or chores even just for a day.
Take your time to energize. Recharge. For yourself.
Remember that you don't owe people everything. And that's the same with them.
So don't feel guilty when you give something for yourself.
After all, it’s your right. It's your need.
And after all, you deserve it.
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