May I Never Forget (journal entry) [GL]

I don't usually remember the faces in my dreams.
I don't even know why they are there.

Even if one of them belongs to you, I can't even tell.

I hate remembering anything else except yours.

But today is different, as I saw those eyes looking at me.

There was a love song this afternoon and I was soaking in its warmth

wondering what those eyes meant;

wondering if those were really yours;

hoping, if I were right,

that I may never forget.

Author's Note:

I wrote this on 29th of Aug. 2017. I don't know if you guys believe in meeting a person in a dream but a series of nights seeing a woman I haven't met yet gave me an aching frustration for not being able to remember what she looked like upon waking. If only I could remember even just the color of her eyes, was what I thought back then. It was crazy I just had to write about it! 😂


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