Kids and Grown-ups (journal entry)

Having spent a couple of times with a kid has made me realize such things:

1. Most grown-ups only appear as an adult, but inside they are just kids.
2. There are things adults still find hard to comprehend, and they don't always see the seriousness of a given situation.

 2.1. They usually brush it off and take it as a joke when they can't relate to an idea or see the point of it.
 2.2 They don't care whether their words or actions can affect or have already affected a certain person or a group of people.
 2.3. As long as they can do whatever that is to their liking or amusement,
 2.4. Or when they just want attention.

3. They are easily angered and offended. Probably because they take things too personally. Their focus shifts on defending themselves than on coming up with an agreement.

 3.1. They always want to be right,
 3.2. And in control.

4. It's easy for them to judge, when they don't want to be in the place of being judged.

5. It's hard for them to let go.

I wonder, if these grown-ups will be treated like children when they misbehave, will it be easier for them to understand what went wrong? Or why they felt a certain way? If their questions will be answered with patience; if their behavior will be treated with care and understanding, will it be easier for them to do what is proper? Will they be more inspired to be kind and gentle as well?

(Written: 10April2019)


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